Elizabeth Liz Lizzy Lapan has joined the G&R team as a part-time paper hound. She brings with her an impressive and varied amount of life experience including retail expertise (she managed Attrezzi, a fabulous kitchen supply, home gift, gourmet store on Market Street), an education in business and a serious passion for customer service. We are absolutely thrilled to have her and we can't wait for you all to meet her over the next few months.
So, with no further ado, meet Liz (in her own words):
I was raised in the beautiful town of Londonderry, NH... member of a family of 5, including two younger brothers and two AMAZING parents. I attended the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH and graduated in 2009 with a B.A. in Art History and a B.S. in International Business & Economics. During college I worked in downtown Portsmouth and absolutely fell in love with the lively and creative community there. When I graduated, it only felt natural to move to Portsmouth permanently in hopes of gaining a better sense of what I wanted to do with my future... and I can say with great certainty that the move was one of the smartest things I have ever done! If I had never moved to Portsmouth I would never have met Samantha and Whitney, or Gus and Ruby for that matter. The ladies (and pups) have literally been my across-the-street neighbors for the past year. From the get-go I visited them regularly as a customer, always looking for laugh-out-loud greeting cards and little gifties for my loved ones. But now... I'm so thrilled to say... I am a member of their amazing team! Three cheers for Gus and Ruby Letterpress! Hip, Hip - HOORAY! There is really something to be said for honest, hard-working, creative business owners in communities like Portsmouth, NH, and I feel so lucky to now have the opportunity to help Whitney and Samantha grow their already incredible business. My goal for the upcoming year is to take over some of the retail work here at the shop so that Samantha and Whitney can keep designing and working with you on custom projects. From in-store merchandising to our store-front windows I am hoping to present bright and beautiful displays that catch your eye and spark you imagination. I also plan on keeping my finger on the pulse of all things paper in hopes that I can convey to each of you the incredible art of letterpress printing and the positive effects of supporting your local artisans and American based companies. What else... hmm... CUPCAKE SATURDAYS! Yes I said it... outside of my regular duties as a Gus & Ruby shopkeep I plan on bringing you delicious, homemade, all-from-scratch cupcakes with soft buttercream frosting on Saturdays (prepare yourself, I'll update you on the start of our cupcake schedule :)). There's lots more about me that you'll get to know - my love of frozen junior mints, for example - but for now, just know that I'm super excited about this opportunity at Gus & Ruby Letterpress and I cannot wait to see you in our shop! Take good care, stay cool, and HAPPY SUMMER!!
Lots of Love,
Lots of Love,
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